Sunday, June 2, 2013

Barbara Gordon Batgirl Costume

Batgirl_Barbara Gordon 
Barbara Gordon was created because the 1960’s Batman television series, starring Adam West. Producers of the show were looking for a way to increase ratings by drawing in a female demographic. To accomplish this they requested that the comics create a female character they could use in their TV show. Barbara Gordon was introduced in the 1967 issue of Detective Comics #359. The new Batgirl was extremely popular; she would not only team up with Batman and Robin but also other characters within the DC Universe. She became more than a Batman spin off character. In 1988 readers would see the end of Barbara Gordon as Batgirl. She retired her secret identity in Batgirl Special #1 and then was shot in the spine by the Joker in the graphic novel Batman: The Killing Joke.

barbara gordon Batgirl Barbara Gordon Costume 
When Batgirl appeared on the scene, Batman was wearing his light grey and blue batsuit. Barbara Gordon Batgirl Costume was an all-black body suit. Her cowl would be exactly like Batman’s, except hers came down in little triangles underneath the eyes. Batgirl used yellow as her accent color. The boots and gloves were the same shape as Batman’s, down to the spikes on the sides. A yellow bat was stretched completely across her upper chest. Barbara also wore a utility belt like the Dynamic Duo but hers had a large bat for the buckle. Despite having gadgets on her belt, she also took to wearing what looks like a purse. I guess a girl has to accessorize even when fighting crime.

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